Dear Alumni,As “Serve, Learn, Grow” is one of our Association’s missions, serving the community in volunteer work has been one of our major social activities.…
香港大學輔導學碩士校友會 社會服務小組CODA 計劃 (2019-20) 總結報告 2019-20年度,香港大學輔導學碩士校友會(校友會) 計劃延續在 2018-19年為香港聾人子女協會(CODA)的服務,提供兩項社會服務: 1) 家長茶聚活動以小組傾談形式,目標是以冰山理論,協助提升家長身、心、靈的健康。義工除擔任茶聚導師外,亦安排兒童活動,令家長騰出空間投入課程。 2) 個案輔導服務校友義工提供專業輔導服務,幫助服務使用者處理親子及育兒問題、夫妻及姻親關係、工作或其他生活壓力等。 義工訓練校友會在本年度的服務招募了17位會員義工,並於2019年9月29日由榮譽顧問 Angela Wong 及計劃統籌 Erica Yuen 提供相關培訓及簡介。 服務內容由於社會運動及 COVID-19疫情影響,本年度服務嚴重受阻,其中只能在2019年10月19日提供兩節家長茶聚服務,約8位家長參加。 感謝榮譽顧問 Angela Wong 及校友…
Message from Social Service Sub-Com 向父母拋擲紙巾,一般人或會斥責為人子女的不禮貌,但對於雙親均失聰的朱寶玲,卻是在遠處「呼喊」父母的不二法門。儘管寶玲為健聽者,但一家均以手語溝通,日常生活亦多以手語表達自己… * 根據外國資料統計,約九成聾人父母的子女出生為健聽,其雙語、雙文化(手語及口語、聾人及健聽文化)的特點,往往被社會忽略,引致教育及福利配套不足,窒礙聾人子女的身心靈發展。 你願意為這被忽略的一群付出一份關心嗎? 香港聾人子女協會義工計劃: View Flyer CODA 計劃 總結報告
Dear members, How are you doing? I wish that you are having a great time. Some of you may enjoying the fabulous world cup and…
“YouthJump.Com” project – elderly visit with rice dumpling delivery Dear all, Please find the following information of the HKU MsSocSc (Counselling) Alumni Association event: Event:…
KeyChen Up Project 躍動工房-青少年就業支援計劃 Since October 2011, the HKU Master of Social Sciences (Counselling) Alumni Association has supported the mentorship program of the KeyChen Up…
Congratulations to Mr. Stephen Char! Stephen obtained the degree of Master of Social Sciences (Counselling) from the University of Hong Kong in the year 2004.…
Dear members and graduates, An 8 Richter-scale earthquake occurred in Sichuan on 12 May 2008. UNICEF estimated that there are 2.3 millions of children in…
Dear All, I am glad to inform you the progress of the Sichuan – Love and Care program. Tram parade around Hong Kong Island, with…
Dear all, Last Saturday (28/3), I and some AA members made some small gifts for the children of Ying Xiu Primary School in Sichuan at…