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施永青基金 腦友所依支援服務計劃

Dear Alumni,
As “Serve, Learn, Grow” is one of our Association’s missions, serving the community in volunteer work has been one of our major social activities.

This year, we will jointly organize social services with the 施永青基金 腦友所依支援服務計劃, We would like to invite you to participate in this meaningful project as volunteers, thereby contributing your professional skills to the care of the elderly with dementia.

Social services will include home visits, counselling, and organizing activities etc.,. Online training will be arranged for volunteers recruited.

The project will last for 12 months (subjected to periodical reviews) and we target to recruit 30 members of HKU Master of Social Sciences (Counselling) Alumni Association as volunteers. For application, please fill in the application form below:

Application will be closed on 21 April, 2022. Successful applicants will be invited to a briefing session and attend online training. Further details will be given accordingly.

For more information on the project, please visit the following website:
施永青基金 腦友所依支援服務計劃 at

For further enquiry, please contact the undersigned at

Best regards,
Winnie Lui

Convenor – Social Services Subcommittee
H.K.U Master of Social Sciences (Counselling) Alumni Association

Posted in Archives - Social services, Social service