Dear Members, You are cordially invited to join our newly launched monthly online programme: ‘Meeting with AA (我和AA有個約會)’. This is a chitchat programme during which…
In view of the COVID-19 situation, the program is postponed until further notice. We are pleased to invite you to the upcoming AA activity with…
香港大學輔導學碩士校友會 社會服務小組CODA 計劃 (2019-20) 總結報告 2019-20年度,香港大學輔導學碩士校友會(校友會) 計劃延續在 2018-19年為香港聾人子女協會(CODA)的服務,提供兩項社會服務: 1) 家長茶聚活動以小組傾談形式,目標是以冰山理論,協助提升家長身、心、靈的健康。義工除擔任茶聚導師外,亦安排兒童活動,令家長騰出空間投入課程。 2) 個案輔導服務校友義工提供專業輔導服務,幫助服務使用者處理親子及育兒問題、夫妻及姻親關係、工作或其他生活壓力等。 義工訓練校友會在本年度的服務招募了17位會員義工,並於2019年9月29日由榮譽顧問 Angela Wong 及計劃統籌 Erica Yuen 提供相關培訓及簡介。 服務內容由於社會運動及 COVID-19疫情影響,本年度服務嚴重受阻,其中只能在2019年10月19日提供兩節家長茶聚服務,約8位家長參加。 感謝榮譽顧問 Angela Wong 及校友…
Dear AA members, You are cordially invited to attend the H.K.U. Master of Social Sciences (Counselling) Alumni Association (AA) AGM 2020-21. Due to the threat…
Mental health first aid course was conducted on 24-25/10/2020. Congratulations to seventeen participants who become members of the first aid team. ??? Dear Members, The…
Dear Members,We are pleased to invite you to the upcoming AA activity with details as follows: Date: 22nd February, 2020Time: 2:00 – 5:00 pmVenue:Tsz Shan…
Workshop on Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) An Affective and Attachment Based Intervention The Workshop What is AEDP? ‘Crisis and suffering provide opportunities to awaken…
Dear Friends, We are glad to let you know that our annual retreat would be held on July 6-7, 2019 at Shek Kong Kadoorie Center.…
你想輕鬆地製作一杯可以入口品嚐的藝術品嗎? 誠意邀請你在繁忙生活中放慢腳步,全情投入沖煮一杯屬於自己的咖啡拉花。 日期: 2019年5月26日(星期日) 時間: 下午2:30至5:00 (*如參加人數少於15人, 活動時間將改為下午3:00-5:00) 地點: Hands-On-Coffee九龍旺角西洋菜南街1L-1M號4樓 (中國移動旗艦店內) 對象: 會員及親友 語言: 廣東話 費用: 會員HK$200; 非會員HK$250 (費用已包材料) 統籌 : Daisy Chan (2013) 查詢:…
H.K.U. Master of Social Sciences (Counselling) Alumni Association Continuing Education Seminar cum Annual General Meeting 2019-20 Notice is hereby given for the Continuing Education Seminar…